The Art of Finding Balance: Exploring the Mind-Body Connection
This article is about the umbrella term "yoga" which includes religion, philosophy, and practices.
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Person, Hands, Plants — © Andrei Lazarev |
Imagine an activity that increases your flexibility, strengthens your muscles, centers your thoughts, and relaxes and calms you. Yoga does all that and more! Don’t be intimidated by yoga terminology, fancy yoga studios and complicated poses. Yoga is for everyone.
These 10 poses are a complete yoga workout. Move slowly through each pose, remembering to breathe as you move. Pause after any pose you find challenging, especially if you are short of breath, and start again when your breathing returns to normal. The idea is to hold each pose for a few, slow breaths before moving on to the next one.
Explore the Piece of History
Five centuries later Lorem Ipsum experienced a surge in popularity with the release of Letraset's dry-transfer sheets. These sheets of lettering could be rubbed on anywhere and were quickly adopted by graphic artists, printers, architects, and advertisers for their professional look and ease of use.Letraset included Lorem Ipsum passages in a panoply of fonts, styles, and sizes, solidifying the Latin-esque phrase's place in the print and graphics industry. Those with an eye for detail will have even caught a tribute to the classic text in an episode of Mad Men.
The program came bundled with Lorem Ipsum dummy text to help with laying out page content, and other word processors like Microsoft Word followed suit.
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